School Office

08:30 - 16:30

Monday to Friday

About Us

Catholic Life

As a Catholic school we ‘Share God’s love’. Christ is at the centre of all we do at St Joseph’s. We make time each day to come together in collective worship, to give thanks to God. We teach the children about prayer and give them the opportunity to pray several times during the day.

We strive to include all children in the worship, encouraging them to take part through reading, discussions and singing. Children are guided to lead their own class worships.

Parents join us for many of our whole school liturgical celebrations, our St Joseph’s Feast Day, Mass and Collective Worships.

We welcome our Parish community into school. We have regular visits from Father Frank to say Mass and to provide input into the curriculum.


The School Day (32.5 hours per week)


7:30 – 8:55am  Early Risers (Breakfast Club) opens for a healthy breakfast and fun with friends

8:40am  The school gates are open and supervised

8:45am  The bell is rung and children go to their classes for registration

10:15 – 10:30am  Key Stage 1 have a 15 minute snack break and playtime

10:30 – 10:45am  Key Stage 2 have a 15 minute snack break and playtime

12:00 – 1:00pm  Key Stage 1 Lunchtime

12:15 – 1:15pm  Key Stage 2 Lunchtime

3:15pm  End of School

3:15 – 6:00pm  Late Leavers after school club

Our Mission Statement

The vision for our Catholic school is to welcome and value all within our community, to know and live the faith as expressed in the Gospels, and to challenge and support each individual to achieve his or her full potential in a safe caring environment.